

                                        Network Instrument On-Site Training


Training courses are available on site at your facility.  Bases on years of
experience, we understand everyone has different training requirements.
Through an interview process, our trainers customize classes for your
specific business needs.


On-Site Training Benefits:

  • Customized training based on knowledge level
  • Real-world solutions based on experience
  • Lower training costs
  • Consistent learning experience
  • Less "out of office" time

Here's how we do it.....we ask you!

We use the following courses as a guideline:

. Observer: How To Drive
. TR01 - Basic Network Analysis
. TR02 - TCP/IP Network Analysis
. TR10 - Wireless Network Analysis
. TR30 - Network Security Training

The customization can be a mix of the above course ware or we can break
Basic Network Analysis out for a subset of students while teaching TCP/IP or
Wireless to another group.


Any 1 Day On-site Class
$3000 - up to 8 people
$200 - each additional person
Travel and expenses depend on location.

Any 2 Day On-site Class
$5500 - up to 8 people
$300 - each additional person
Max class size - 20
Travel and expenses depend on location.

Any 4 Day Class:
$10,000 - up to 8 people
$600 - each additional person
Max class size - 20
Travel and expenses depend on location.

Courses Available
• Observer: How To Drive
• TR01 - Basic Network Analysis
• TR02 - TCP/IP Network Analysis
• TR10 - Wireless Network Analysis
• TR30 - Network Security Training




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