
                           Just NETwork TAPs

                                        Value Added Reseller (VAR) For Leading Manufacturers of Network TAPs



Why Use a Network Tap?

Network Taps allow network and security personnel to create permanent access ports throughout the network, eliminating the need for network connectors to be disconnected and reconnected each time a segment needs to be monitored or analyzed.

Network Taps are passive devices. Most taps pass all seven layers of OSI network traffic (including layer 1 and layer 2 errors) and do not interfere with the performance of the network or the data stream of the network traffic.

Full-duplex traffic passes through a network tap at line rate, whereas some network appliances deployed in-line or switches deployed for SPAN monitoring may introduce a delay when copying packets or converting data signals from electrical to optical format on networks with both copper and fiber media types.

Because taps are passive devices, they are ideal for in-line deployment where they can provide network monitoring tools, like intrusion detection systems, with permanent and real-time access to critical network segments without introducing a point of failure. Once a network tap is in place, networks can be monitored 24x7 with no downtime.

Finally, deploying network taps for monitoring applications conserves network resources and requires no management. Taps can connect any two network devices and require no configuration. Deploying network taps frees up switch ports and reduces time spent setting up and managing complicated switch or appliance configurations.

Datacom Systems, LLC



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